Saturday 9 May 2009


Let me try and recollect what happened that bright day;
Ah, yes, there I was, by the brook's edge, running all the while.
Tripping here, stopping there, hollering, singing away...
Within my palm, my jewel, the author of my smile.

Cheerless since days it was, though why, I could not tell.
But I knew it loved an outing, so we go out that day,me and my jewel...
As the merry air it touched, gloom did leave, it grew happy and well.
Poor me,I too was happy, as happy as a miserable fool.

Let me try and recollect what went wrong then,
I know not where it went, my jewel so dear !
I know not how it slipped from my wretched palm,and when...
I remember calling its name, and looking far and near.

Let me try and recollect, what then became of me...
...sobs muffled in blankets, some sighs, many tears...
quick sleep, its comfort, and sedatives heavy.
Slight conscious, thick daze, little apprehension of realized fears.

Let me try and recollect what happened after---
In disquieted sleep, its name I hear, and my own hollow laughter....

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