Monday 11 May 2009


In the world of woven dreams;
Tread softly, ignorant, blundering child !
The grass lies trodden, perhaps sad it seems...
Yet to many a blistered feet - comforting and mild.

That dream there, it needs some painting to regain -
The gleam of its faded hues.
Tend the tree that bears it with the sun, the air, the rain..
And whilst you wander, and to yourself muse --

Why too, in the world of dreams, melancholy you meet
Stop not my child, the vagrancy, the caper, the fall...
High trees, little reach, coarse paths, bruised feet.
Let go, Let go, Let go one and all !

The world of dreams is sad, alone and bereft
There flourish some joys unpicked, some hopes overgrown.
So many have come, stayed awhile and left.
You too, my child, one day will leave it alone ---

And go back where it is all calm and well.
To spend your days in peace - the boon of utter despair.
And miss that unsettling world of dreams, more than you could tell...
And long to flow with the flowing streams, and languish under the spell.

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