Friday 8 May 2009

There have been times...

There have been times,

When I’ve sprinkled some pages with rhymes.

When I’ve had something in mind,

And on my pen have been kind...

To put to paper some thought

And have for solace sought

In mountains high with clouds drifting,

On nights bereft of sleep, shuffling and shifting.

And let my mind wander of its own

With a soul that has so often known --

Pain, and misery, and wanton delight...

Such an asset it is, and a nuisance slight !

To know it all so less, yet feel it all so well,

To find it difficult to love heaven, impossible to hate hell.

To gather memories handpicked, reminiscent of some sweet sorrow...

And from the beating heart, some warm blood borrow,

And let it run free in a body so frail.

To try not so much, and so much fail !

There have been times, yes there have been times

When I have sprinkled pages with rhymes –

But at all times have I one common theme seen ;

A death not so lifeless, a life not so keen.


  1. Beautiful! Loved it, Prachi.It touched my heart!
    Keep it up.

  2. awww thanks V.K....can I call u that ? sounds so cooolll

  3. Beautiful, dear....straight from the heart.
