Saturday 30 May 2009


Last night, I held it to my heart--
Like mother and child
It was in my arms, my own very part
- Beautiful, frail, and mild.

Tonight, I sit here, tonight
To tell you this tale
Hence, I go forth and write...
Last Night;
It died last night. Look ! How I fail !

Thursday 21 May 2009


Let this be taken away,
Lest it should wander of its own!
Why, one day it had to sway,
Let this be sooner known.

Ignorant heart, why should you cry ?
For something that had to go;
Let us now sit together, and try
And break not our hearts so!

We shall forget about it, and more
We shall not think of this again
We shall make merry as before.
We shall kiss goodbye our pain...

Heart, you must trust me today
This sobbing, This smiling, This sighing --
This is all childish, I've moved on, I say...
Yet something in me keeps on dying!
Do you doubt if I verily have moved away ?
Heart, Tell me, Have I been lying ?

Saturday 16 May 2009


With such fervor have I often lent
my heart out to hues that soon fade
that lovely, mauve, aubergine shade
So beauteous, So transient!

With such feeling have I often spent
my youthful days in ecstatic neglect
within fragrances that reflect...
eternity a moment --
(then to briefness relent!)

Tuesday 12 May 2009

Oft times...

Oft times have I warned myself not to sway,
Oft times have I unheeded my own warnings.
'Tis not wise to make castles in the air, they say;
Yet they dwell in my lonesome nights, and fill my lonesome mornings...

Oft times have I thought
and pitied my ailing lot...
Oft times have I found myself, so dearly wishing ---
That I be in the wrong when I think that the sole conclusion to life is withering, waning and languishing!

...For I fail to chance upon the way that leads to you...
and I don't think I have the strength to start anew.
For I possess a mind too troubled, too frail...
...a heart as broken as a wrecked boat, a soul as crushed as a tattered sail.

Yet, hopeful, I linger on...
In the world of disbelievers, a wanton, elusive fawn,
Dreaming of you, when all is gone...

A Wish

A door stands closed, between me and someone I know.
It pains me dearly, it hurts me so!
So much did my scorned fingers try to reach the knob, but no matter how close it be...
That door, it still stands closed, between someone I know, and me!

If not that, then I wish there be a window somewhere...
And if I could not come out, at least I could open it and see --
If the person I know, is still standing there...

Even though I wish they forget me, and stand no more,
In burning agony called hope, near that miserable door...
...and run off to a land less painful, and breathe in its happy air.

Yet there lingers on in me, that childish whim of mine ---
That the door opens one day....
...and in they step to say,
" I am home dear, and now it'll all be fine! "

Monday 11 May 2009


In the world of woven dreams;
Tread softly, ignorant, blundering child !
The grass lies trodden, perhaps sad it seems...
Yet to many a blistered feet - comforting and mild.

That dream there, it needs some painting to regain -
The gleam of its faded hues.
Tend the tree that bears it with the sun, the air, the rain..
And whilst you wander, and to yourself muse --

Why too, in the world of dreams, melancholy you meet
Stop not my child, the vagrancy, the caper, the fall...
High trees, little reach, coarse paths, bruised feet.
Let go, Let go, Let go one and all !

The world of dreams is sad, alone and bereft
There flourish some joys unpicked, some hopes overgrown.
So many have come, stayed awhile and left.
You too, my child, one day will leave it alone ---

And go back where it is all calm and well.
To spend your days in peace - the boon of utter despair.
And miss that unsettling world of dreams, more than you could tell...
And long to flow with the flowing streams, and languish under the spell.

Saturday 9 May 2009


Let me try and recollect what happened that bright day;
Ah, yes, there I was, by the brook's edge, running all the while.
Tripping here, stopping there, hollering, singing away...
Within my palm, my jewel, the author of my smile.

Cheerless since days it was, though why, I could not tell.
But I knew it loved an outing, so we go out that day,me and my jewel...
As the merry air it touched, gloom did leave, it grew happy and well.
Poor me,I too was happy, as happy as a miserable fool.

Let me try and recollect what went wrong then,
I know not where it went, my jewel so dear !
I know not how it slipped from my wretched palm,and when...
I remember calling its name, and looking far and near.

Let me try and recollect, what then became of me...
...sobs muffled in blankets, some sighs, many tears...
quick sleep, its comfort, and sedatives heavy.
Slight conscious, thick daze, little apprehension of realized fears.

Let me try and recollect what happened after---
In disquieted sleep, its name I hear, and my own hollow laughter....

Friday 8 May 2009

There have been times...

There have been times,

When I’ve sprinkled some pages with rhymes.

When I’ve had something in mind,

And on my pen have been kind...

To put to paper some thought

And have for solace sought

In mountains high with clouds drifting,

On nights bereft of sleep, shuffling and shifting.

And let my mind wander of its own

With a soul that has so often known --

Pain, and misery, and wanton delight...

Such an asset it is, and a nuisance slight !

To know it all so less, yet feel it all so well,

To find it difficult to love heaven, impossible to hate hell.

To gather memories handpicked, reminiscent of some sweet sorrow...

And from the beating heart, some warm blood borrow,

And let it run free in a body so frail.

To try not so much, and so much fail !

There have been times, yes there have been times

When I have sprinkled pages with rhymes –

But at all times have I one common theme seen ;

A death not so lifeless, a life not so keen.

Welcome, to where it all unwinds...

Hello people, I, Prachi, proudly welcome you all to my newly-created blog !!!

E.M. Cioran said, " Between Ennui and Ecstasy unwinds out whole experience of time." I guess he had an idea how right he was.

So, here, we talk of life, and our days contained therein....For, what better a thing to talk about than this ? And what worse.....